Patrick Charles received a bachelors of fine arts from the University of Utah and Currently resides in SLC, Utah. He has studio space at Poor Yorick Studios and can be reached at
2018: Permadeath, Group show UMOCA, Utah museum of Contemporary art
2017: Annual Student Exhibition Gittens Gallery, Salt Lake City, Utah
2017: Embark: University of Utah BFA senior art exhibit
2017: Mini Gallery Series, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
2016: Lumen: A site/space/sensory installation, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
2015: C:/ART/RUN: Collaborative Projects in Art and Technology, Poor Yorick Studios Salt Lake City, Utah
Film work
“The Atomic Spawn” 2020. Short film:
Director Arthur Veenema
Creature design, sculptor, mold maker,
construction of silicone stop motion
“Dreamer” 2018. Short digital film:
Director Levi Robinson
Creature design, sculptor, mold maker,
on set puppeteering.
“Til Blood” 2016. Feature length film:
Director Levi Robinson
Prop maker ( fabricated skulls, fake
weapons), blood work